Summation of BSF Lesson 10

Did you notice how many times the questions were about “you”?

“You” or “your” was used an eye-popping 26 times!  All I saw was a sea of yellow when I highlighted the words!

The preponderance of the word “you” in this lesson didn’t sit well with me.  It just didn’t. Because it is about God and not about what I think.  It just reminded me of today’s society and how people are so concerned about “me”, “myself”, and “I”.

It’s like when parents ask their kids:  “Jimmy, do you want to go to the grocery store now or later?”  Jimmy doesn’t have a choice.  If you need groceries, you go.  Not when Jimmy says so.  Yes, this is a real live example of one parent I know who does this.

If your mom or dad says “go”, you go.  If God says “go”, you go.  Like Abram did.  You don’t have a choice.

Yes, it matters to God what I think but my thoughts are molded by the Truth not by  “what do I think” opinions.

I want to know what is significant, not what I think is significant (for who am I?).  I want to know what is interesting not what I think is interesting (for who am I?).  I want to know the signs I am in Christ  for how do you know if you don’t know?

Yes, I am significant to God but when I read the Bible, I and who I am doesn’t matter.  It’s God and who He is.

Sure, you could argue, “Well, that’s just someone else’s opinion on what is significant and interesting.”  You know, the dreaded “commentaries.”

True, but hopefully these people are much more well versed in the Bible than I am and know through years of study.  I need to be led (like a pastor shepherds his flock as Jesus did).  Only then can I understand and then think how it applies to me.  I come for knowledge and others’ “opinions” so then I can form my own.

Lessons like these drive me nuts.  I call them “filler” lessons because I see them as primarily a way to extend the Bible Study.  Let’s just dive into God’s word about Abram and God instead of piddle-paddling around about it.

To me, this lesson was personal reflection and review.

Fine.  Now let’s move on to Abram.