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BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 4: Matthew 5:31-37


Jesus says that the only reason for divorce is unfaithfulness. Otherwise, if you divorce, if you remarry, you will be committing adultery. Jesus says there is not a need for an oath at all since your word should be strong enough.

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 4: Matthew 5:31-37

9a) Jesus says that the only reason for divorce is unfaithfulness. Otherwise, if you divorce, if you remarry, you will be committing adultery. Mark adds that Moses permitted divorce and a certificate of divorce because their hearts were hard.

b ) Believers can work hard to not divorce for frivolous reasons such as “irreconcilable differences.” However, divorce is a part of this broken world, and supporting others who have been through it is crucial. It is not for us to judge; it’s for us to love.

10a) You do not need to swear an oath ever.

b ) Society has developed white lies in order to spare people’s feelings. It’s important to do this; however, it’s important to be truthful in serious situations.

c ) God.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 4: Matthew 5:31-37

Jesus makes it clear that man and woman were supposed to stay together forever. However, there are legitimate reasons to divorce. Jesus says only for unfaithfulness. I believe abuse is another reason. Either way, divorce is a result of this broken world and broken people, and we all are broken. I remember the times when BSF would not allow a divorced woman to be a leader. I’m glad they changed this rule. This, in and of itself, was judgement. If you have a heart for God and want to share it, do so, whether you are divorced or not.

Great book to help you through tough times.

End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 4: Matthew 5:31-37

The certificate of divorce is found here (Deuteronomy 24:1). Many men were divorcing their wives for frivolous reasons. Deuteronomy says that you may divorce if one is unclean. People were streteching this interpretation at this time. Jesus clarifies that “unclean” means committing adultery.

Remember the times Jesus lived in. It was common for the Romans to be unfaithful outside their marriage with no repercussions.

(Exodus 20:7) tells us to not take the Lord’s name in vain. Here, Jesus tells us that every oath you take is by God and must be honored. Jesus says that your word is good enough so you don’t need to swear an oath. That being said, we see oaths in the Bible, even by God himself. Hebrews 6:13 and Luke 1:73, in a court of law Matthew 26:63-64 and more Romans 1:92 Corinthians 1:23Galatians 1:202 Thessalonians 2:5.

Oaths are allowed just are not needed.

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BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 3: Matthew 5:21-30


Jesus says that you can commit murder in your heart when you are angry with others and you will then be subject to judgment. Be reconciled with those who you are angry with. Settle matters before it goes to court because going to court could land you in jail. Jesus says you commit adultery if you look at someone with lust. Gouge out your eye and cut off your hand if it causes you to sin. Losing a part is better than losing yourself.

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 3: Matthew 5:21-30

6a) Jesus said you can kill someone with your mind and heart, and not just physically. Hate can be just as strong as murder. If you hate your brother, you are a murderer and John says that no murderer has eternal life in him.

b ) To be reconciled with others before bringing gifts to God and to forgive others.

c ) I really don’t hate anyone right now. But I don’t have a lot of friends.

7a) Jesus said you commit adultery in your heart if you look at someone else with lust.

b ) Basically, stay out of situations that will cause you to lust or be angry with others.

c ) Sex and sexual innuendos are everywhere in society. It can be hard to escape them. Philippians 4:8 tells us to think about other things, such as whatever is pure, noble, true, right, lovely, and admirable. This is what Jesus says. Don’t look at things or do things that can cause you to sin in your heart.

8 ) 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that we can overcome our temptations and that God always provides a way out and 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tells us to take our thoughts captive. Basically, we are in charge of what we think, and staying out of sinful situations keeps us safe and helps us to not sin.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 3: Matthew 5:21-30

Living is hard, but with God, it’s bearable. God provides us ways out of sin and helps us every step of the way. All we have to do is take his hand.

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End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 3: Matthew 5:21-30

Things aren’t necessarily true because they are old; look at how long people believed the earth to be flat. Jesus is saying that here.

The Law is a heart matter, too.

Anger at others is a normal, human reaction. The anger Jesus is speaking of is the anger that causes thoughts of revenge and unforgiveness.

“Raca” is a ephithet for someone who is of low intelligence. Today, you’d call soemone dumb or an idiot.

Jesus says being reconciled to others is more important that religious duties. We are to be at peace with others Romans 12:18

Settle your anger or you will be a slave to it. Ephesians 4:26-27

The penalty is not money here. It’s suffering for eternity.

Jesus is saying committing adultery is a sin, but so is adultery of the heart. However, the act is much worse than the thought.

This concept is anything that we covet. You choose to linger on corrupt thoughts. Banish them for good.

Pluck Out Your Eye and Cut Off Your Hand

Plucking your eye out and cutting off your hand is not meant to be literal here. We are supposed to change the part of us that tends to sin. Wishful thinking won’t get us there.

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