A Part of Me

This poem is quite personal.  My son of 27 years old died of AIDS.  I hope it helps someone who has had a loss.


What is this thing called Faith, I ask
Today so clear and plain to see
So real, a rock that I can grasp
Faith has become a part of me

Then words that paralyze with dread
A Mother’s heart “Your son is dead”
O Faith that I thought was so strong
Now that I need you, you are gone

The morning dawns, what do I feel?
Nothing yet habit makes me kneel
I praise you Lord and ask you please
Could you now help my unbelief?

I need a sign that will tell me
Is he with You eternally?
And then He showed a sign so clear
My sorrow turned to joy with tears

What is this thing called Faith, I ask
I know less now after what’s passed
But this I can say faithfully
Faith has become a part of me!

Lissette Trahan