How Can That Be


Oh God, so many years have slipped away
Years where I know I’ve gone astray
You then revealed Yourself to me
Sin you are gone, how can that be?

Whatever path that I went down
You pursued me all along
Your love disarmed me so completely
Now my desire is just to please thee

Whenever I remember, how faithful You have been
It brings tears to my eyes, I know that I have sinned
Confess my sins—-where do I start?
How could I’ve kept you far apart?

If I could start again, would I live differently?
But I know sin would be there
Oh Lord how can that be?

Then I remember Jesus who gave His life for me
He came down here to save us so that we could be free
Those sins I was enslaved to are not a part of me
I am a new creation, a proof that all can see

Jesus is the answer ”That is how it can be”


Lissette Trahan


How have I gone astray?
My biggest sin has been to ignore Him.
I get busy, I get distracted, I become too involved
with the things of this world.

However, when I turn back to Him, He is there
with His arms open to receive me.

All of us in this human journey are seeking
something, seeking God, seeking purpose in

Temptations, sin and problems will always be

When I turn to Jesus, that is when I realize
He is the only thing that matters

1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror;
then we shall see face to face. Now I know in
part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully