Bible Study Plans: How to Study the Bible

Most of us read the Bible. We know the stories — Lot and his wives, Abraham and Sarah and Isaac, Moses and the 10 Commandments, and Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. But knowing the details of the stories in the Bible is not the same as studying the Bible. When you study the Bible, you’re seeking to understand the message behind the story, what God is trying to teach the people in the story, and what He’s trying to teach you as you apply the lessons in your own life. Below, AtoZMomm will offer up tips on how to study the Bible.


  • Have a plan. Admittedly, the Bible is a huge book that can get quite complicated. You have to have a plan of where you want to start and/or lessons to focus on. Write down a weekly Bible reading plan, so you’ll get excited about what God is trying to teach you. The birth of Jesus is a great place to start as well as the very beginning with Creation.
  • Invest in a good study Bible. Study Bibles come with annotated notes, historical background information, maps, and chronological charts that will help you as you read the the Bible. A good Bible Dictionary and Atlas are great to have on hand as well.
  • Choose a translation. Part of the reason the Bible is difficult to understand is because it has been translated so many times: from Aramaic to Greek to Latin to English. It’s easy to see how mistakes can be made by scribes and how words can be mistranslated. Get a translation that makes sense to you. NIV (New International Version) is popular as well as The Message Bible.
  • Prepare your heart. Don’t approach Bible study as a chore. You are reading God’s very words to you. Maximize your time and enter Bible study prepared to learn. Anything else is not only a disservice to you, but also a disservice to God as well.
  • Pray. Ask God to teach you what He wants you to know and what can help you be more like Jesus and be closer to Him. Ask for wisdom to understand and an ear to hear what He has to say to you.

Studying the Bible is something you have to do if you want to grow closer to God and be more like Jesus. Setting aside as little as 10 minutes a day can have a profound impact on your life. Small moments add up to great things. If you have questions on how to study the Bible, reach out to AtoZMomm with a comment below. May God thoroughly bless you as you read and study His word.

2 thoughts on “Bible Study Plans: How to Study the Bible

  1. In 2016 I gave myself a writing assignment. I copied and hand wrote the entire New Testament. I did make notes for certain passages for which I later used commentaries for better understanding. Formerly I had been dismissive of the Old Testament but with references by both Paul and Jesus “for as it is written” opened my eyes to see the OT and NT are inextricably linked.

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