BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 17, Day 2: Genesis 27:1-13

Summary of Genesis 27:1-13:

Isaac tells Esau to go and bring him a stew of the tasty wild game meat that he likes so that he can give him his blessing before he dies. Rebekah overhears Jacob tell Esau this, so she tells Jacob to bring her two of the choicest young goats so she can prepare him a meal just as he likes it. Then take it to him so that Jacob can receive the blessing instead. Jacob says he is not hairy like Esau, but Rebekah says the curse will fall on her if Jacob realizes he has been tricked.

BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 17, Day 2: Genesis 27:1-13

3) Isaac wanted some good game meat to satisfy his hunger. Jacob, Esau, and Rebekah all wanted the spiritual blessing of Isaac.

4) Rebekah made sure that Jacob did receive the blessing as God intended. Isaac wanted his son, Esau, to receive the blessing instead and fully intended to bless Esau and not Jacob as God has revealed.

5) I think most of the time Christians mean to do good, but end up using trickery to do so with good intentions. However, sin and selfishness drive us so people can mean good for them and not others.

6) I think they could have talked this through. Rebekah could have talked to Jacob’s about God’s prophetic words to her, and they arrange to give the blessing to Jacob as planned without trickery involved. Jacob did this on the sly, meaning he was hoping no one found out about it. I would think this would be a big ceremony back in that time. Communication was definitely lacking here as each tried to achieve their own desires. I can improve in that as well.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 17, Day 2: Genesis 27:1-13

I had forgotten Rebekah’s involvement in the blessing. On one hand, you see the good intentions of a parent who only wants the best for her children. Yet, you see favoritism here as well. You see Rebekah though ensuring God’s words came true, too. You see Jacob driven by the physical need for food and his desire for Esau to have the blessing even though he knew God’s words. It’s interesting how we are constantly trying to help God out when He needs no help at all. We only end up making a muck of things.

End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 17, Day 2: Genesis 27:1-13

Martin Luther calculated Isaac’s age to be 137 during this time. Isaac lived to be 180 (Genesis 35:28), so he was not as near to death at he thought.

Since Isaac was giving Esau the blessing in secret, he knew what he was doing was wrong. Usually, there would have been a celebration and a feast of the passing of the torch. Yet, Isaac tried to scheme against God anyways. He also asked for food first instead of just giving Esau the blessing in the first place. It’s as if Esau had to work to be blessed by God. Instead of giving the gift of his own free will, there’s a condition attached. Luckily, all mankind has to do is believe in Jesus. One and done.

Rebekah knew her food would taste the same to Isaac. Rebekah was wrong to help God out here. She did not trust God to do His will; she thought he needed help. She was also wrong to lead her son into sin.

Jacob willingly went along with Rebekah’s plan, living up to his name, which means trickster. He was concerned about getting caught, not if he was right or wrong.

Esau knew the blessing was not his because he had sold it to Jacob, so he was eager when Isaac offered it. Everyone in this scene is acting for their own interest. Yet, only God can bestow a blessing. In reality, all of this was meaningless.

3 thoughts on “BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 17, Day 2: Genesis 27:1-13

  1. Joseph is recorded in Genesis 50:20 as saying to his brothers, “You meant evil against me, but God used it for good.” … So many times, things come against us that seem evil- sometimes they are evil- and God is able to use them for good anyway

  2. Answers for Q2 and 3 has errors in the names mix up as the father is Isaac and not Jacob.😇. Also in your end notes section. Kindly edit atozmomm. You are such a great writer and sister in Christ to post your thoughts in the study. God bless.

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