BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 17, Day 3: Genesis 27:14-29

Summary of Genesis 27:14-29:

Jacob went all out on the deception, putting on Esau’s clothes and goat skins on his hands and neck in order to appear hairy like Esau. He brought the food Rebekah had prepared to Isaac, who wondered how Jacob had gotten the food so quickly. Note the lie here: God had blessed him with success. Isaac does touch his hands and says how the voice is Jacob’s, but his hands are Esau’s. After eating the goat stew, Isaac kisses him and then smells the scent of Esau from the clothes. He then blesses Jacob with blessings, riches, and having nations serve him.

BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 17, Day 3: Genesis 27:14-29

7a) Rebekah was showing that she’d do whatever it took to get her way (or God’s in this case), even lie and trick others. She was showing that she knew best over Jacob and was showing him no respect as the head of the household.

b) Jacob didn’t hesitate to lie at all to get the blessing. He went along with everything Rebekah told him to do. Isaac ignored God’s soverignty by trying to give Esau the blessing instead of Jacob. There was no respect. There was no seeking God. They simply did not care who they hurt in their actions.

8 ) It shows the dangers of favoritism amongst parents towards their children. Still, at the heart of man, it comes down to putting your will above God’s and doing anything to make that happen. Funny how God always wins.

9) Even though the methods were wrong, Jacbo still received the blessing that God intended. God always works things out as they are supposed to be despite our attempts to do it for God or for other reasons. God is good.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 17, Day 3: Genesis 27:14-29

This story shows the heart of man perfectly. No matter how God-centered you are, you always have to be wary of letting your will and intentions usurp God’s.

End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 17, Day 3: Genesis 27:14-29

Isaac probably knew it was Jacob in his heart of hearts, as we see with the repeated questions. However, Isaac believed Jacob instead. Jacob tells several lies to get what he wants, justifying it by how he’s doing God’s will. The means does not justify the end.

Isaac cannot see and his sense of touch was not good. Thus, he relied on his sense of smell. Back in the day when no one showered or did laundry, the distinct smell that every human has was pronounced, which is what Isaac smelled on Esau’s clothes.

Isaac passes on the blessing God had given Abraham.

The blessing itself is one of richness, bounty, and God’s presence.

In the end, God blesses who He wants to blesses and curses who He wants to curses; our actions here on earth are truly meaningless outside of God’s will.

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