BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 4, Day 5: 1 Kings 18:40-46


Elijah then ordered the prophets of Baal killed. He told Ahab to eat and drink as the sound of rain was approaching. He goes to Mt. Carmel and prayed. His servant looked towards the sea seven times before he saw a cloud rising from the sea. He told his servant to tell Ahab to go down before the rain starts. Ahab journeys to Jezreel while clouds form. Elijah ran ahead of Ahab by the power of the Lord.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 4, Day 5: 1 Kings 18:40-46

13) Because they opposed God and had led His people astray.

14a) He goes to Mt. Carmel and prayed. His servant looked towards the sea seven times before he saw a cloud rising from the sea.

b) His persistent faith.

15) Where to move. I just keep on chugging along where I’m at until He moves me.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 4, Day 5: 1 Kings 18:40-46

The most interesting thing here is the judgment of the prophets. It’s no laughing matter to outright oppose God.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 4, Day 5: 1 Kings 18:40-46

Rain could now fall since the purpose of the drought was to prove the false gods of Baal false was now defeated.

Elijah waited on God to answer him. So must we all. We must have stubborn faith, too.

Elijah ran 14 miles to Jezreel with God’s help. He wanted to beat Ahab, but we are unsure why.

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