How NOT to Feel Guilty When Life Gets in the Way

To say this year has been strange would be a graniose understatement. Everyone is coping the best they can and in different ways. And it seems as if things change on a daily basis. Making plans has become futile it seems. Some people have cancelled plans to go and see family and friends. Some people have hardly left the house. Others have moved states or even left the country to flee the chaos that life has been.

In the midst of COVID-19, living your life, dealing with your job (or your job loss), taking care of your kids (maybe even schooling them at home for the first time), and still doing all of your chores and some of your activities at least, you may have forgotten to pray every night because you are worried about what your future looks like. It may have been a while since you’ve opened the Bible because you truly don’t feel like it.

Most of us have been banned from attending church, further pushing us away from God and pushing Him our of our minds (no, attending church online is just not the same community that God intended). The world is against growing with God (which it always has been, but it’s infinitely harder to do so now).


Life has gotten in the way of your growth with God, and I’m here to tell you that it’s okay. God knows everything. He knows your heart. He knows your soul. He knows your intent. He most definitely know about this COVID virus and what it’s done to our world.

We all move through times in our life where we are extremely close to God and where we are far away. It’s okay to be far away. You don’t need to beat yourself up over it.

One of the best things about God is that He is there when you are ready. He knows you’ll turn back to Him. And He patiently waits. He forgives you. So forgive yourself.

Do what you have to do to mentally, emotionally, financially, and physically survive this pandemic. THEN, God will be there.

9 thoughts on “How NOT to Feel Guilty When Life Gets in the Way

  1. Good morning,
    This post is specifically for me.
    Thank you for sharing as I’m getting back on track in my worship, prayer and serving Him. He had been patiently waiting, loving me through the pain of losing our beloved dog, Gracie at just 9 yrs old.
    He is faithful especially in the storm.

  2. Thank you! I needed the assurance that God knows I will ALWAYS RETURN!

    Sent from my iPhone


  3. Not being able to fellowship with other Believers definitely leaves you feeling somewhat disconnected, but I found watching online and TV broadcast encourages me to reach for my Bible and study the scriptures in the messages. We as Believers should not need the church buildings to be open for us to worship Our Father.

  4. Our family is watching Andy Stanley on line. His first service is at 9:00 on Sunday morning. Log onto Andy Stanley North Point Church through you tube. Today the message was about 3 essentials in navigating through uncertainty.. God has certainly anointed this man. He is teaching a three part series on Leading through uncertainty.

  5. Perhaps my story isn’t everyone’s story. This time for me has been so productive spiritually. About three years ago I commited to reading my bible daily, so hard at first. It took me over an hour to get through it, today 15-30 tops, and thats taking my time and really getting it inside. The Lord is so faithful. This is something that I feel is the highlight of my day. Since the pandemic I have had time to read more, pray more, question more and it has led to a planting that I believe will someday be a bountiful harvest. Don’t wait and worry about the things that are passing away. Dive into the things that are eternal now. You will be filled with a joy that is uncontainable, overflowing. God is so good!!!

  6. It is now, especially in this time, that we lean on God! In or out of church, with or without our studies, just come to Him! He is here with us, even when we don’t “feel” close. In the toughest times, cry out to Him, even when you don’t have the words! He is right there to comfort us…don’t wait for the “right” moment. Stay near to our Savior, for that’s why he came!

  7. You are absolutely correct in saying online services are not the same as being in the safety and comfort of our church and Christian community. I know He is always with us and knows everything. All through my day I continually recite the Lord’s Prayer. It brings me clarity and comfort as we struggle through the day. I sometimes cannot find the words to express my feelings so I use His prayer to lead me.

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