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BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 13, Day 4: Genesis 21:14-21

a well of water in the desert for hagar and ismael

Summary of Genesis 21: 14-21:

Abraham set Ismael and Hagar off one day, and they wandered the desert of Beersheba. When they ran out of water, Hagar left Ismael under a bush, and she went a bit away so she would not have to watch him die. Ismael began to cry, and God heard. An angel of God called to Hagar from heaven. He tells her that God will make Ismael a great nation. A well of water appears so they could drink. God was with Ismael as he grew up. He became an archer and got married.

BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 13, Day 4: Genesis 21:14-21

9) An angel of God called to Hagar from heaven. He tells her that God will make Ismael a great nation. A well of water appears so they could drink. God was with Ismael as he grew up. He became an archer and got married.

10) Personal Question. My answer: God hears us when we have given up all hope. God takes care of us always even when we don’t realize it. God cares for all people.

11) Personal Question. My answer: We should pray for all people as God does. Pray for blessing and prosperity.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 13, Day 4: Genesis 21:14-21

God is there even if we are not.

End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 13, Day 4: Genesis 21:14-21

God responds to Ismael’s weeping. Ismael is protected, as he is the descendent of Abraham. Ismael is the father of the Arabic people, which God blessed.

God provides for their needs, as he does ours when we are in our own wilderness. Note that God is near for believers and unbelievers alike; sometimes you just have to see it.

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