Coffee and God: Beauty All Around

Bible and Coffee
Coffee and God: Monthly Coffee Chats

Hey all!

These are quickly becoming some of my favorite posts — where I can talk about anything and everything under the Sun.

On my mind today is beauty. Specifically, beauty all around.

Our lives are pretty routine. We wake up, get coffee (perhaps the most important thing you’ll do the entire day), and immediately go into morning routine mode. Shower, wake kids, drive kids, go to work, pick up kids, grab items at the grocery store for dinner, make dinner, drop kids off at extracurricular activities, finish laundry, etc. Before you know it, the day is gone.

Sure, you probably got a lot of tasks done. But at the end of the day, that’s just what they were — tasks.

Did you accomplish anything real? Did you notice anything going on in the world around you?

I am super guilty of this.

I’m a pretty focused person. When I’m engaged in a task, that’s all I think about. This is usually a good thing. I get a lot done — a lot of “tasks” done. But what do I really accomplish?

Did I notice the leaves falling to the ground all around me? Did I breathe in the fresh air and marvel at the miracle of life? Did I notice the bald eagle in the tree he or she always sits in? Did I truly see the 6 raccoons in my tree? Did I appreciate all my body accomplishes — a lot of it without my thought?

Did I listen to my kids tell me boring stories about their day? Did I look into my dog’s eyes and appreciate the unconditional love (probably the only kind I actually have here on earth)? Did I call a friend who may not be feeling well? Did I call my parents?

Most importantly, did I pray to God today? Did I feel His love? Did I thank Him for all that I am, all that I have, all that He has for me, all that He wants me to do, and for my family? Did I pause and take the time to appreciate God, to stand in awe of Him, to worship Him?

Today, I’d just like to encourage you to notice the moments of your day. To appreciate the migration of Canadian geese, the hibernation of the trees, the deer that graze the meadows, and the water that falls from the sky that nourishes the world around you. But most of all, take the time to appreciate God and all He does for you.

This doesn’t have to be a 30 minute prayer session. It can just be moments here and there in your day. That’s all God wants. He wants us to pause, thank Him, and go about the blessed life we live.

Can you do that?

5 thoughts on “Coffee and God: Beauty All Around

  1. This post serves as a great reminder. I love the concept of sitting down with you for “Coffee and God” as you write- it makes your posts all the more enjoyable! I know for me that is when my quiet moment comes, when I can just sit and sip and have my time with Him so it makes for a great frame of mind for a post. Love these!

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