my beloved fatty, Puma

And the Sorrow Continues…

Two weeks ago, I lost another one of my kitties. That is three pets in the last 4 months, and it is extremely hard to bear.

I miss their constant presence. Their voices. Their noises.

But, most of all, I miss their love. How they are always there when you are stressed, worried, or just need to pet a happy creature.

I miss holding them like they held me.

My heart is extremely heavy, and sometimes the sadness is overwhelming…

my wheaten irish wolfhound

I Have a Heavy Heart

Today, I had to put my Irish Wolfhound down. She most likely had cancer that was causing her to not eat and she lost the use of her back legs.

I have a very heavy heart with the loss of my kitty less than a month ago, too.

My family and I would appreciate any prayers.

Thank you.

my cat Star Dust

The Blessings of Pets

A week ago, I put my precious kitty down. She was in the final stages of renal disease. She is now in the arms of Jesus until I get there and she can be in my arms again.

I am overwhelmed by your prayers. Thank you so much!

My wolfhound has survived another day. She had an infection. Hopefully, she’ll be healthy for a while longer.

Thank you again for your prayers.

my old great dane

Another Special Prayer Request for My Great Dane

Hey all,

I posted back in June, asking for prayers for my Great Dane.

Tomorrow, we have a vet appointment where we will most likely be putting him down.

His condition has gotten worse in the last few weeks.

He cannot walk without help. We have to pick him up to stand. Even then, he falls over a lot. There are days when he can’t walk at all.

A few days ago, I was picking him up and he gave me that look that animals get near the end that says, “It’s okay, Momma. You can let me go, now.”

Asking for prayers for him, his journey ahead, and us, and our journey ahead.

So appreciated.

blue great dane puppy

Special Prayer Request for My Great Dane

Hey all!

For a few weeks, my old Great Dane has had trouble walking.

Tonight, for the first time, he cannot walk.

My prayer request is that he can, or that God grants the vets and our family wisdom to know what to do.

Thanks in advance!

my kitty in heaven

The Sucky Part of Pet Ownership

This morning our beautiful kitty passed away in my daughter’s arms. She was 16 and we had her for 7 years. She was adopted from the Humane Society when no one else wanted her or could take care of her. So we did.

Pets bring us such joy, yet so much sorrow when they have lived their years. We tell ourselves that they lived a good life — which they did. Yet, we don’t tell them that they are dying because of us — because we sinned in the Garden. It’s heartbreaking to think of the Garden and how everyone was disease free and then one mistake ends up in death as a penalty for all — even the innocents. We love them with every breath in our bodies, but that cannot save them from death.

I can’t pretend to understand God and His ways, but when it’s time to say good-bye to those you love, it’s a conflict of emotions.

I write this with my 17-year old cat on my lap. Her days are numbers as well (as are all of ours)…

my dying cat

Special Prayer Request For My Dying Cat

Hey All!

I have a special prayer request.

One of my cats is dying. She was diagnosed with renal disease almost 3 years ago. We’ve been giving her fluids twice a week, but the last few weeks she has gone down hill fast. She is skin and bones, and her body is giving out.

She is my oldest’s daughter’s cat. We’ve had her 7 years. She was adopted from the humane society.

Pray she is not in pain, God loves her when she gets there, and that my daughter’s heart will heal.

Many thanks!

God Did Something Great When He gave Us Pets…

One of my sweet, sweet kitties!

As I sit here, cuddling my cat in my arms, I think of this.

Most of the world has pets of some kind. Either domestic pets like cats and dogs that live in our house or outdoor animals to care for like horses, cows, chickens, goats, etc.

When God gave us charge of animals in Genesis Chapter 1, He knew exactly what He was doing.

Research has shown what animals do for us: calm us, offer up companionship and love, provide warmth, comfort, and compassion, give us something to cry on, something to hold onto, something to love…

They prolong our life by giving us something to live for. They are loyal. They protect us. They’ll take a bullet for us. Defend us if we need it. Kill mice that enter our home. Purr so the house is not so quiet.

I could go on and on…

Wild animals…

Seeing a bald eagle soar over the skies inbibes me with magic and majesty and a sense that this world is alright despite what you hear on the news.

Animals in nature are splendid. Gorgeous. Perfect. Doing what God created them to do. The perfect example of living for their basic needs in the present moment and no more. How we should live.

Out of all of God’s gifts to mankind, this has to rank near the top. Giving us something to live for outside of ourselves especially when we are old, alone, and sometimes forsaken…

This is why I believe all dogs (and cats) go to heaven…

God is great. God is good. God is omniscient, omnipotent, wonderful.

When you start to doubt anything about God, hug your pet. Guaranteed God is there with you…

My Dog and Cat Died Because of Me

When God created the universe, death did not exist.  Life abounded.  There were not predators and no prey.  All lived in the Garden of Eden with every need provided:  food, water, and shelter.  Life was perfect.

Then man sinned.  He ate of the forbidden tree, the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil.  God cursed man, banishing him from the Garden, bringing death to all.  Hence, all creation suffers because of man’s sin.

When I held my dying dogs in my arms, I blamed myself for their pain, suffering, and death.  I look at my cats, all of whom are aging rapidly, and think, “They are gonna die because of me”.  All innocent creatures who live in the moment that God gave us to care for and we are completely incapable of caring for them.  I feel like I let them down when they die.

My kids and I have been reading a lot of books about animals.  Extinct animals and endangered animals come up a lot.  For example, the tiger.  One of the most magnificent animals God has created and we kill them for their coats and gall bladders.  So few left…


I just read on line how only three northern white rhinos are in existence today–all killed by man for their horns.  Their horns!  It would be like killing humans for their hair.

Extinct animals:  the Dodo bird, the Passenger pigeon, the Tasmanian tiger, the Great Auk, the Baiji White Dolphin, Steller’s Sea Cow, the West African Black Rhino, the Pinta Island Tortoise–all at the hands of man.

Almost extinct animals:  The Javan Rhinoceros, Hawaiian Monk Seal, the Mountain Gorilla, the Island Fox, the Bactrian Camel, Philippine Eagle, California Condor, Amur Leopard, Sumatran Rhino, Vaquita, Kakapo, Iberian Lynx, Siamese Crocodile, and so many, many more.

Yet in the midst of this I see God.  I see how God created us and everything to reflect Him and His greatness.  No where is this more miraculous than in the birth of a newborn baby–human or animal.  This is all despite our sin.

This makes me yearn for heaven and Jesus to come again–to end the pain and the suffering and the sin of man who cannot stop sinning without Jesus.

Death is the hardest part of life in my opinion.  Not necessarily my own death because once I’m gone it doesn’t affect me.  Death of those around us since we have to go on living…

My Cats
My Cats

I pray to enjoy those around me while I can.  To not take one moment for granted.  To hold my kitties a little tighter.  To kiss my kids more.  To spend more time with my family.  To do what I can to stop the death of endangered species (by not buying their products number one) and supporting those capable of lending aid.  And yes, for Jesus to come again–the ultimate end to this Fallen World.