tips for bsf zoom meetings

Tips For BSF Classes Using Zoom

For most of us, Zoom is not our preferred way of meeting for bible study. However, at this point, it’s better than not meeting at all. Thus, rather than complain about the lack of humanness to it all, I thought I’d offer up tips for you all. Feel free to contact me with questions!


  • Sometimes you should just sit back and listen. Zoom meetings can get congested, especially when it’s hard to tell who’s talking. Sometimes it’s best to just sit back and let others tell their answers.
  • You can hide your face. Many people are self-conscious seeing themselves on the screen. Feel free to hide your face during meetings.
  • Mute yourself when you’re not speaking, especially if you have your kids running around, your dogs are barking, or your teenagers are having a spat in the other room. Not only will you not embarrass yourself this way, but everyone will be able to hear better.
  • Use two screens. I used this tip myself. I have my answers pulled up on one screen, another tab open to the Bible passage, and another tab to Google cool quotes from the Bible I couldn’t quite remember. Then my Zoom meeting was pulled up on my other screen. This enabled a deeper (and an easier) learning for me.
  • Use the chat features to throw in Bible quotes without interrupting.
  • Have fun with it!

While most of us don’t particularly like Zoom, having Bible study over Zoom is better than none at all. Make Zoom your friend, and you’ll learn a lot more about God. Contact me with questions!