The Revenge of Ishtar

The Revenge of Ishtar
The Revenge of Ishtar

The second installment of our Epic of Gilgamesh, The Revenge of Ishtar, retold by Lyudmila Zeman finds Gilgamesh and his good friend, Enkidu, in the peaceful city of Uruk, spending their days planning the city and their evenings listening to Shamhat sing and playing games.

One evening the monster Humbaba attacks the palace, killing Shamhat.  Both Gilgamesh and Enkidu track down the monster so he will not harm people again.  They find him and both work together to slay him.  The goddess Ishtar witnesses the battle and invites Gilgamesh to be her husband.  Gilgamesh refuses, saying he won’t leave his people and friend for her.

Ishtar in revenge sends the Bull of Heaven to Uruk where it too wrecks havoc.  Again, Gilgamesh and Enkidu team up to destroy it.  Angry, Ishtar makes Enkidu sick until he dies.  Enkidu is angry but he learns he “found a friendship few every know and the lasting love of a people.”

Gilgamesh, heart-broken, vows as his last quest to find the secret of immortality so he too won’t be taken from his people.

Love the pictures which are bright and vivid.  The two monsters are cute and not scary at all.  Very condensed version.  Good lesson on the value of friendship.  Nice historical background page at the end.

Gilgamesh the King

Gilgamesh the King
Gilgamesh the King

Gilgamesh the King retold by Ludmila Zeman is the first in a trilogy retelling the Epic of Gilgamesh.  Unlike Geraldine McCaughlean’s version, these are picture books with vivid pictures and easy text.

We meet Gilgamesh, a young, bitter king of Mesopotamia, part god and part man, who is lonely with an extreme desire for wealth and power.  He begins building a wall around the city and forces his people to work on it.  At first, they are happy to do so.  But as time drags on, they grumble and complain about loss of time with family, work in the fields, and food.

The sun god made another man, Enkidu, to challenge Gilgamesh. Raised in the forest with animals, he knew no humans and protected his animal friends with his life.  Word spread of Enkidu and Gilgamesh sends Shamhat, a beautiful woman, to entice Enkidu to Uruk, the capital city of Mesopotamia.

Shamhat and Enkidu fall in love and return to Uruk to face Gilgamesh.  An epic battle ensues, resulting in Enkidu pulling Gilgamesh up from a wall.  A friendship forms and no longer lonely, Gilgamesh stops work on the wall and peace encompasses Uruk.

Many versions of this oldest written tale exist.  The story was written on clay tablets that were pieced together when found.  London, Paris, and Philadelphia house remnants of this tale.

These are some of my favorite books I have read numerous times out loud to my kids.  I love the story.  The pictures are fabulous.  It brings to life a whole time period most people/kids never learn about.  Great historical value and a great story of friendship.  Highly recommended.

Gilgamesh the Hero

Gilgamesh the Hero
Gilgamesh the Hero

The Epic of Gilgamesh is the oldest recorded story in the world.  Composed by the Sumerians (later the territory would be Babylon) between 3200-2700 BC, this story is about a real king who ruled in Mesopotamia.  Carved on 12 stone tablets, this tale has all the elements of a great story.

Gilgamesh the Hero is retold by Geraldine McCaughrean for kids.  We meet Gilgamesh, a king unloved by his people for always going to war and putting his people to work on huge building projects for his main city, Uruk.  He is strong and powerful.

One day Gilgamesh meets one just as strong and powerful, a man named Enkidu.  Deadlocked in a battle, the two become best friends.  Gilgamesh, eager for adventure and fame, decides to hunt down a monster named Huwawa.  Reluctantly, Enkidu follows and Huwawa is defeated.

Ishtar, the goddess of love, notices Gilgamesh in this battle and asks him to marry her.  Gilgamesh refuses, knowing Ishtar has a history of disposing of her lovers.  Ishtar, upset at the spurn, releases the Bull of Heaven upon Uruk.  Both Enkidu and Gilgamesh kill the Bull, but it does considerable damage to the city beforehand.

For killing the Bull of Heaven, Enkidu is struck down by the gods and eventually dies.  Gilgamesh is distraught and afraid of dying himself.  He mourns for his friend and sets out on a quest to find Utnapishtim, a man who has immortality since the flood of the world.

Utnapishtim discourages Gilgamesh on this quest but says if he can stay awake without sleeping for 7 days and nights he will grant him immortality.  Gilgamesh cannot.  Instead, Utnapishtim offers him the Plant of Life, a plant that will make him young again.  Gilgamesh retrieves the plant from the bottom of the sea, only to have the plant eaten by a serpent.  Gilgamesh returns home, a changed man, no longer concerns with enlarging his borders or building monuments.  And the people love him for it.

Gilgamesh settles down, has children, and discovers a new immortality–he will live on through his sons.

So many nuggets in this book.

On immortality, Utnapishtim says “Is the rainbow any less beautiful because it’s short-lived?  Or because you can’t grasp hold of it?  Perhaps it is beautiful expressly because of that (it’s short lived).”

Gilgamesh:  “Why live if not to make a mark on the world?”

On children:  “Children.  That’s the shape of happiness.  A little hand inside yours.  Someone who thinks you’re as much a hero for killing a cockroach as a dragon.  What good would it do to live a million years unhappy?”

Urshanabi:  “Do things you can look back on with pride.  Run with the baton, then pass it on!”

Utnapishtim:  “I’ve had time to learn the important things are few.  A wife, contentment, memories, peace.”

A story every one should know.  It has a flood story as well (like most ancient cultures in the world).  Great for kids and adults.  Great lessons on what’s important in life.  Great lessons on friendship as we see Gilgamesh and Enkidu.  Can’t recommend enough.