Ah, Now My Day Can Begin…

Lately, I’ve been dragging myself out of bed for various reasons.  I have been going to bed later.  My husband has been working the night shift so he comes home around 5 am and wakes me. Occasionally the dogs want to be let out.  You get my point.

I would still be in bed right now except for one thing and one thing only:  coffee.  In fact, I laid in bed for ten minutes before the thought of coffee drove me to my feet.

I got up, put the kettle on, turned on my computer, and awaited that sweet-sounding whistle.

I then poured the water into my french press and set the timer.

The timer beeped.  I got my coffee.

Now I’m sitting in front of my computer, telling you all about it.

Now my day can officially begin.

We are preparing for a trip back home next week so I got a ‘To Do’ list a mile long.

But it can wait.

All because my coffee is at the perfect temperature.