Ah, Now My Day Can Begin…

Lately, I’ve been dragging myself out of bed for various reasons.  I have been going to bed later.  My husband has been working the night shift so he comes home around 5 am and wakes me. Occasionally the dogs want to be let out.  You get my point.

I would still be in bed right now except for one thing and one thing only:  coffee.  In fact, I laid in bed for ten minutes before the thought of coffee drove me to my feet.

I got up, put the kettle on, turned on my computer, and awaited that sweet-sounding whistle.

I then poured the water into my french press and set the timer.

The timer beeped.  I got my coffee.

Now I’m sitting in front of my computer, telling you all about it.

Now my day can officially begin.

We are preparing for a trip back home next week so I got a ‘To Do’ list a mile long.

But it can wait.

All because my coffee is at the perfect temperature.

4 thoughts on “Ah, Now My Day Can Begin…

  1. What a lovely way to describe a simple life’s pleasure. I think I’ll get up and make myself a cup of coffee, too.

  2. Great to hear that you are doing well…………aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah coffee works to give you the “get up and go”….have a good week.

  3. I know some people don’t have this thing for coffee in the morning to start their day…but let me tell you there is nothing like that first cup to get your day started. My daughter has to have 15minutes by herself, with her coffee either sitting outside listening to the birds and morning sounds or if it is too cold, sitting by the window looking out. That gets her set for her day. I call that enjoying what God has made available to us and thanking Him for giving it to us. Amen AtoZmom! I will think of you in the morning when I have my cup of coffee. Blessings to you and I hope you have a wonderful trip back home.

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