Calling all AtoZMom Subscribers & Readers!!! This Blog Needs Your Input!!

Hey all!

I believe God has put upon my heart to grow this forum and reach more for Him.

Some of you may have noticed a few changes.  Lissette Trahan was added as a contributor with her amazing, God-inspired poetry.  I’ve started a Saturday Snippet column with sage words of advice.

Now I’m wondering what’s next?

So I’m asking you, my amazing and gifted readers and subscribers what would you like to see?  Guest authors?  More contributors?  A different area of ministry?  Affiliate groups with book suggestions?  Some kind of event postings?  An advertising forum for your business?  Some kind of question and answers feedback on the lessons or any area of spirituality you are struggling with?

These are just some ideas I’m having.  I would LOVE to hear your thoughts, ideas, suggestions for this site.

I would also like to invite feedback on how this site is doing.  Helping?  Hurting?  What can I do better?  What am I doing right?  Wrong?  Lay it all out!

You can either leave me a comment below or email me at

Any ideas are appreciated!  This is your blog as much as mine, and I want to serve you!  I look forward to hearing from you all.

God bless and have a blessed and merry weekend!