Coffee and God: Complaining

Bible and Coffee
Coffee and God: Monthly Coffee Chats

Hey all!

It’s the last Sunday of the month, and today complaining is on my heart.

I know we all complain. It’s human nature. However, the things we complain about the most shouldn’t really be complaints. For example, the schools our kids go to (at least they get to go to school), co-workers whom you feel aren’t doing their jobs (at least you have a job), driving in the snow (at least there is moisture to water our world), flying (at least airplanes exist), the toilet that isn’t working (thank God for indoor plumbing), or traffic that made you a few minutes late to work (at least we have cars).

My prayer today is for all of us to see the positives in this world instead of the negatives and to be grateful for the little things we “complain” about when in truth we have nothing at all to complain about in the 21st century.

We have God, and we have the Bible. Everything else is inconsequential.

God bless you in this coming week!

5 thoughts on “Coffee and God: Complaining

  1. I am focusing on not complaining this year but, only looking for positive things to confess. Our Pastor talked about 7 things we should leave behind in 2018.
    Today, we talked about the people you align yourself with. Last week, was don’t get stuck on stupid.

  2. You are so right! We always seem to love complaining, but with nothing to really complain about! When we have God and the Bible, we have everything. But we look too much at little things. Very good thoughts, thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you for that reminder! I would like to give a donation to your ministry. How would I go about that? You have been a true blessing to me. Thank you for all you do! Holly

    Sent from my iPhone


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