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BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 17, Day 5: John 13:22-30

Summary of John 12:22-30

The disciples were confused and wanted to know who would betray Jesus. Jesus said whomever he gave the bread to would betray him. He gave the bread to Judas, and Satan entered him. Jesus told him to betray him quickly, and Judas left. The rest of the disciples presumed he was sent on an errand by Jesus, not that he was the betrayer.

BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 17, Day 5: John 13:22-30

13a) Satan had a hold of Judas’ heart, and it was night.

b) Satan is always lurking, and we must constantly be vigilant in order to keep him at bay.

14) Jesus loved Judas no matter what sins he would commit. Unconditional love. So we must show this, too.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 17, Day 5: John 13:22-30

I love how Jesus spared the other disciples the knowledge of Judas’ betrayal. It probably would have distracted them from the important last day of Jesus and the lessons he would teach. In addition, it shows how Jesus often spares us from knowledge for our benefit.

End Notes BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 17, Day 5: John 13:22-30

Peter desperately wanted to know who the betrayer was, so he asked John (the disciple whom Jesus loved who was sitting next to Jesus) to ask.

Fun Fact: John refers to himself as “the one whom Jesus loved” 4 times in his Gospel (John 13:23), (John 19:26), (John 20:2), and (John 21:20).

They most likely were laying on their stomachs for the meal. John and Judas sat next to Jesus. Judas was in the place of honor on the left side of Jesus. He could easily speak to him without being overheard.

The dipping of the bread was an honor, which was a sign of love.

Jesus told John the identity of the betrayer, but he says nothing.

Judas has multiple chances to repent.

Judas had decided to betray Jesus earlier (John 13:2), but the devil entered after the giving of the bread. Judas chose to let Satan in, as we all have free will and choices.

If the disciples had known who the betrayer was, they would have stopped him. This was not God’s plan, so the knowledge was hidden from them for the benefit of ours. We should well remember this when we don’t understand things in our lives, yet we petition God for answers who does not give them — often for our benefit.

Even those with the best teachers can (and do) fall, as we see pastors, too.

Even in the presence of the brightest Light of the World, Judas chose darkness. Never underestimate the power of Satan. Fortify yourself with the Word and power of God.

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