BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 8, Day 5: 2 Kings 3:20-27


Water appeared as God promised.

The Moabites mistook the water for blood and assumed that all the kings killed each other. They ran to the camp of Israel who fought them. They slaughtered the Moabites and destroyed their towns, covering the fields in rocks, stopping up the springs, and cutting down the trees.

The King of Moab tried to break through to the King of Edom but failed. He offered his firstborn son as a sacrifice on the city wall. The israelites withdrew.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 8, Day 5: 2 Kings 3:20-27

13) God provided water, which was mistaken as blood by the Moabites, which got them off balance for the war ahead.

14) All of the land of Moab was destroyed, prompting the king to sacrifice his firstborn son to their gods. This causes the Moabites to hate the Israelites for what they did to their land and for forcing them (in their minds) to make such a sacrifice to their gods.

15) That He is faithful. That He answers prayers. That He wants the desires of our hearts to come true.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 8, Day 5: 2 Kings 3:20-27

Great victory often contains great sadness or sacrifice (such as the pagan sacrifice of the son).

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 8, Day 5: 2 Kings 3:20-27

Sometimes what God tells us to do doesn’t make sense until it’s done.

God uses the ditches to save the men in more ways than one: with water and with confusion to the enemy.

The king of Moab was desperate when he sacrificed his son. He wanted to honor his gods and help give his people courage in the face of the enemy.

The Israelites saw the sickening sacrifice and left.

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