Summer Bible Study: Sermon on the Mount: Week 3, Day 5: Matthew 6:25-34


Do not worry about life, food, your body, and clothes. God takes care of the birds, and you are more valuable to God than them. Will worrying add an hour to your life? (In fact, all it does is take away an hour or more from your life).

Don’t worry about your clothes. The lilies of the field are more splendid than Solomon’s clothes ever were. If God clothes the lilies as such, won’t he clothe you, too?

Do not worry about your basic needs; God knows you need them. If you seek God’s kingdom and righteousness, all things will be given to you. Thus, don’t worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Focus on the day at hand.

Questions for Matthew 6:25-34

12) The birds, the flowers, the grass. He takes care of all of these creatures, and mankind is greater, so He takes care of us.

13) Good question. I don’t worry a whole lot. I’ve learned over the years to turn it over to Him. I guess right now it would be worrying over my family.

14) When you seek God, He will provide everything you need. Do not worry for God is in control. He’s provided the Bible, other Christians, this forum for community, financial stability, a good job, a good home, everything.

Conclusions to Sermon on the Mount Matthew 6:25-34

I love how worry is a sin! I’ve never thought of it this way! Because when you worry, you fail to have faith that God will provide and that He will do what He says He will do, which is provide for us.

Worry does not add time to your life; it takes away. Think of the amount of time you worry about things.

When you find yourself worrying, meditate on God, His Word, and Creation. Know He has you right where He wants you!

Contact me with questions today!

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