Summer Bible Study: WordGo’s Study of 1 John: Week 2, Day 2: 1 John 2:3-29

Summary of 1 John 2:3-29

If we obey God’s word, love for God is in us. If we live in God, we must live as Jesus did. If you love your neighbor, you are in God’s light. Your sins have been forgiven; you have overcome evil; you are strong and the Word of God lives in you. Don’t love the world and what is in it; love God instead.

Whoever denies that Jesus is the Son of God is the antichrist. Beware those trying to lead you astray. Continue in Christ.

Questions for 1 John 2:3-29

3) If we obey God’s Word, we have assurance He is in us because our love for God is truly made complete in them. You must live as Jesus did if you claim to live in him. Christians are commanded to love their brother and sister. Christians are commanded to not love the world or anything in the world.

4) Perseverance here is characterized by the words “remain in (or abide) and “continue in.” They hold onto God’s truth. False teachers deny Jesus is the Christ and that he is also God, both fully human and fully God. They speak against the truth in the Bible. God’s Word will help you hold onto the Truth.

5) The world normalizes sin and accepts it. Examples include striving to “have it all” and being materialistic, so anything you desire more than the Father. Believers can put God above all else and let their actions shine God, rather than the world. You can always give God the credit over everything else.

Conclusions to WordGo Study of 1 John 2:3-29

By obeying God’s Word, you can have assurance He is in you. Obviously, that’s easier said than done.

Next, persevere. If you obey and persevere, you cannot be led astray by false teachers.

We are to remain in the Lord, in God’s word, and in faith. We are to lean on him and live in his word.

Obeying God leads to knowing Him more.

Let the Holy Spirit guide you.

Contact me with questions today!

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