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BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 3, Day 5: 1 Kings 15:16-24 and 2 Chronicles 16


Asa fought Israel’s king Baasha throughout his reign. Asa gave silver and gold to the king of Aram to break the treaty with Baasha and be on his side. This worked and Baasha retreated. Asa died of old age, and his son, Jehoshaphat, succeeded him.


Asa fought Israel’s king Baasha throughout his reign. Asa gave silver and gold to the king of Aram to break the treaty with Baasha and be on his side. This worked and Baasha retreated.

Hanani, a seer, told Asa that because he relied on a foreign king to help him rather than the Lord he would be at war from now on. Asa was angry at these words, so he threw the seer in jail and began to brutally oppress some of the people. He died.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 3, Day 5: 1 Kings 15:16-24 and 2 Chronicles 16

13a) The king of Israel Baasha fortified Ramah to prevent anyone from leaving or entering Judah.

b) God sent the seer Hanani to tell Asa how he had sinned, and Asa could have repented then and there.

c) Instead, Asa was angry at these words, so he threw the seer in jail and began to brutally oppress some of the people.

14a) Most days.

b) God always offers us a way out and a way back to him after we sin. All we have to do is accept God’s forgiveness and turn to him once again.

15) Turn to God first and foremost. Don’t rely on pagans. Pray. Make changes in your life that show you are God’s.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 3, Day 5: 1 Kings 15:16-24 and 2 Chronicles 16

Even those who do good in the eyes of the Lord also do bad. Humans are all the same; we all sin. What matters is the response after we sin.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 3, Day 5: 1 Kings 15:16-24 and 2 Chronicles 16

Asa followed God and then failed in a question of faith, and he refused to hear the words of correction.

Asa is a king that did not finish well. His later years he did not follow God, and he oppressed his people.

Asa wanted other Israelites to come to his country, but the way he went about it was all wrong. The covenant he made with God was forgotten.

Asa failed to remember God’s goodness from before. Instead, he turned to pagans for help, which worked but angered God.

Now, more wars would occur. Asa could have humbled himself, but he did not.

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