knock and the door will be opened to you matthew 7:7 bsf matthew lesson 8

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 8, Day 3: Matthew 7:7-12


“Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.” If you ask God, He will give you good gifts like we would our kids.

Do unto others what you want done to you. This is the Law.

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 8, Day 3: Matthew 7:7-12

6) “Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you.” He promises that you will receive, you will find, and doors will be opened.

7a) That God cares for us more than anything even though we are evil.

b) Romans 8:28 says that God works through all things for our good. After all, God gave us His only Son and gives us all things in His grace.

8a) Be very gentle, listen, offer advice, help, be caring and compassionate.

b) Matthew 22:34-40 teaches us that the greatest commands are to love God and love your neighbor. God gave us the to show us how to live and to point to Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross for us. God gave us all of this out of His great love. When we love, we have God’s heart.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 8, Day 3: Matthew 7:7-12

This is one of my favorite verses of the Bible. God makes things so simple, yet we humans complicate them so much. Ask, seek, and knock. Then love. That’s all it takes to be God’s.

A great read about the best way to live. Check it out!

End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 8, Day 3: Matthew 7:7-12

Jesus takes more time to teach us how to pray. When we ask, we receive, which is the reward of asking. When we seek God, we’ll find Him. He doesn’t hide from us. We knock at God’s door (heaven) to be let in. God opens the door in response to us knocking.

You enter into the Gospel like you enter an open door. While it is there, you have to ask for it and seek it out.

Sometimes you must keep asking, seeking, and knocking; God does not answer immediately. Prayer shows our dependence on God.

God wants to give us what we ask for and more.

The Golden Rule

The negative form of this was a popular saying in Jewish culture at the time. “You should not do to your neighbor what you would not want him to do to you.” Jesus turned a negative into a positive. Many cultures have a similar saying to the Golden Rule. Jesus wants us to take action.

You cannot break any of God’s laws by treating others as we want to be treated.

None of us can maintain this high standard except Jesus, but it is a worthy goal.

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picture of best friends bsf matthew lesson 8 day 2

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 8, Day 2: Matthew 7:1-6


Jesus is still speaking his sermon on the mount. Do not judge others, and you won’t be judged. Quit being a hypocrite and judging others for it. Do not give your valuables to others who may trample them and tear you to pieces.

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 8, Day 2: Matthew 7:1-6

3a) Just that — Don’t judge others and think you are better than them when you are not.

b) Discernment by definition is “the ability to judge well” or in Biblical thinking “perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining spiritual guidance and understanding.” God helps you arrive at the best decision. Romans says that discernment is knowing the right thing to do and doing it. You will be able to know God’s will and be able to do it, too. Philippians says discernment is knowing what is best in order to do good and avoid sin. Hebrews says God blesses wise discernment.

c) Galatians says that believers should help those who have been caught in sin with a spirit of forgiveness. If you know about God, you must share it with others. Ephesians reminds us to be gentle, humble, and patient with others in love. Christians are to support one another, forgive each other, and help each other to be better discerners and walkers in God’s word.

4) You must be merciful because you yourself have faults, too, and are in need of mercy. James reminds us to speak and act as though you will be judged.

5) I judge others when they do behavior I think is not right. I have to remember that I probably do the same things, am a sinner, and I’m in need of mercy, too.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 8, Day 2: Matthew 7:1-6

I love being reminded about how wrong judging is and to not do it. It’s such a human thing to do, to think better of yourself than others, but in God’s eyes, we are all the same. We need to look at others as such, too.

End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 8, Day 2: Matthew 7:1-6

You will be judged the same way you judge others. That being said, approving of others’ behavior is not the same as judging. This verse does not say you have to approve, only not to judge and/or treat others differently because of what they do, say, or believe.

Can you judge others’ behavior? Yes. But you must do so in the same manner that you want to be judged. Since a lot of people judge others by different standards than they judge themselves, it is often best not to judge at all.

Jesus uses an example to drive home his point. A plank is much larger than a speck. We are often blind to our own faults, but can see the smallest faults in others. In short, we are hypocrites. First, fix your own faults before you worry about others’.

Still, Jesus said we must use discernment to not give precious things to those who will not appreciate them. Or, do not give unbelievers holy things.

Bible scholars say that pearls are precious items. Do not give them to those who don’t want to receive them.

In sum, don’t give all of your precious strength and valuables to those whom God has not prepared to accept him. Look for those who are ready to receive Christ.

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