Jesus giving Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven peter paul reubens

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 17, Day 4: Matthew 16:17-20


Jesus blesses Simon, saying God revealed to him who he was. He names him Peter, which means rock, and he will build his church that Hades (hell) cannot overcome. Jesus will give Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven and whatever he binds on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever he loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven. He told his disciples not to tell anyone he was the Christ.

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 17, Day 4: Matthew 16:17-20

9) Jesus blesses Simon, saying God revealed to him who he was.

10a) Jesus will be the rock (the foundation) of the church.

b) He will build his church that Hades (hell) cannot overcome. Whatever he binds on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever he loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven, meaning whoever believes he is the Son of God will be free from sin; those who don’t will be bound forever.

11a) The Gospel frees those from Old Testament laws.

b) In every way (such a broad question with so many answers). Freedom allows me to follow Christ’s path for me.

Conclusion BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 17, Day 4: Matthew 16:17-20

My answers are short here. See more explanation in the End Notes.

End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 17, Day 4: Matthew 16:17-20

God divinely inspired Peter when he spoke, saying who Jesus was.

Jesus renamed Peter the rock, and he would become a rock for the disciples after Jesus’s death.

“This rock” is Jesus. The church will be built upon Jesus, although some Bible scholars say the rock here is Peter or even the confession itself.

Fun Fact: This is the first use of the word ‘church’ in the Bible. Fitting it is spoken by Jesus.

Jesus was prophesizing the founding of the church.

The Greek word for church, ekklesia, meant group. Thus, the church is a group.

Note Jesus says “my church.” We belong to him.

Hell will not penetrate the church, meaning God’s people will overcome sin, death, and Satan.

Peter the Disciple

Jesus will give Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven. This is why Peter is usually depicted in art with keys. This symbolizes Jesus giving Peter the authority to unlock the Gospel to the world.

This passage is a basis for many images of Peter. There is no doubt that Peter was special. Some think he stands at the gates of heaven, letting people in or blocking their entrance.

  • He is always listed first when the disciples are listed in the Bible.
  • He paved the way for the Jews Acts 2:38-39 and the Gentiles Acts 10:34-44 to come to heaven.

Binding and loosing is an idea during that time that pertained to the law. To be bound was to be prohibited and be put under the law. To loose was to permit and be free from the law. Here, Jesus gives Peter and the disciples the power to define the New Covenant church and set the rules.

Sinners would be set free from sin and death (loosed). Those who refuse to believe are bound in sin.

Jesus set the rules for the disciples, which explains them taking the grains in the fields  (Matthew 12:1-8).

Peter and the disciples would set the New Covenant, including dietary rules. Still, Jesus was not ready for all to know he was the Christ (probably because the disciples were not ready and he needed more training time).

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