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BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 10, Day 2: 2 Kings 6:8-8:6


Elisha keeps telling the king of Israel where the Arameans are at, so they can avoid them. The King of Aram decides to go and try and capture Elisha who is at Dothan. The king surrounds the city, but the king is surrounded by an unseen army of God with chariots of fire. Elisha asks God to blind the Arameans, which He does. Elisha led the army of Arameans to Samaria where he fed them and sent them home. After this, the raids upon Israel stopped.

The king of Aram then laid seige to Samaria. There was a famine in the land, and the people were so hungry they were resorting to cannabalism. The king of Israel blamed God and Elisha for this. Elisha foretold that the seige would end. The Lord has scared the Aramean army by creating sounds of chariots, horses, and an army. They fled, leaving everything behind, including riches and food. Now, the people of Israel could eat once again.

Elisha has told the woman whose son he had restored that there would be a famine in the land for seven years and they should flee. They stayed in the land of the Philistines for seven years, and when they returned, they asked for their land back. The king granted them their request.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 10, Day 2: 2 Kings 6:8-8:6

3a) Elisha keeps telling the king of Israel where the Arameans are at, so they can avoid them. The King of Aram decides to go and try and capture Elisha who is at Dothan. The king surrounds the city, but the king is surrounded by an unseen army of God with chariots of fire. Elisha asks God to blind the Arameans, which He does. Elisha led the army of Arameans to Samaria where he fed them and sent them home. After this, the raids upon Israel stopped.

Elisha made sure the army got sent away without anyone losing their lives, as God made noises to mimic an army. He used his unseen army to keep them safe.

b) I think I do this every day to be honest. I wish I could learn to do things His way, instead of mine.

4) There was a famine in Samaria and they were beseigned by the Arameans. The king of Israel blamed God and Elisha. The seige lifted in God’s timing, which Elisha foretold.

5) God is good. He teaches His people a lesson, but He ultimately provides them with everything they need.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 10, Day 2: 2 Kings 6:8-8:6

I love how God has resources to help us that we can’t see. I wonder at the invisible chareiots of fire that surround and protect me each and every day.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 10, Day 2: 2 Kings 6:8-8:6

Elisha saves Israel because they are God’s people, not because he approves of the kings of Israel.

God sends an invisible army to protect Elisha and his people.

Because Elisha met evil with good, the army left and did not invade again.

Cannabalism is something God never approves of. This seige was punishment because Israel disobeyed God, rejected Him, and rejected the covenant He had made with them.

Once again, in God’s wisdom, He would relent and turn the famine around for the kingdom of Israel. Elisha is allowed to foretell this.

The king’s officer doubted Elisha’s prophecy and, ultimately, God, which is why he paid the ultimate price of death.

The leprous men were probably going to die in their minds, so they decided to take their chances with the Syrians. They discovered that God has caused the Syrians to flee, and the Israelites were now free.

The lepers did the right thing: they nourished themselves, but then they told the Good News. This should be us today.

The doubting officer did, indeed, die as foretold by Elisha once the promise by God was realized to be true.

2 Kings 4 describes Elisha’s relationship with the woman who cared for him. Her land was restored.

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