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BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 9, Day 5: 2 Kings 5:1-6:7


Naaman was a well regarded commander of the army of the king of Aram. However, he had leprosy. A captive girl from Israel told Naaman’s wife about Elisha who could heal him. Naaman asked the king for permission to go and see Elisha, which the king granted and he gave him a letter, too. The king of Israel couldn’t help him, but Elisha could.

Elisha told Naaman to go wash himself 7 times in the Jordan River and he would be cured. But Naaman was mad. He thought Elisha would cure him in a big hoopla and display of God’s power. Naaman’s servants told him to follow Elisha’s orders, which he did. Naaman was cured. Naaman converts to worshipping God. He offers Elisha gifts, but he refuses.

Elisha’s servant, Gehazi, got greedy. He followed Naaman to ask for some money and he kept it for himself. Elisha cursed him with leprosy for this.

Elisha then retrieves an axhead from the Jordan River using God’s power.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 9, Day 5: 2 Kings 5:1-6:7

11) Naaman was a well regarded commander of the army of the king of Aram. However, he had leprosy.

12a) A captive girl from Israel told Naaman’s wife about Elisha who could heal him. Naaman asked the king for permission to go and see Elisha and he went.

b) He thought Elisha would cure him in a big hoopla and display of God’s power. Naaman’s servants told him to follow Elisha’s orders, which he did. Washing in the River was the same as being told to do great things, they reasoned.

c) I’m super bad at admitting when I’m wrong and apologizing.

13) He converted him and, odds are, his family, too.

14) God ultimately wants everyone to come to him. He reveals himself as a testimony to others to follow Him, too.

15) First, he was greedy. Second, he lied about it instead of confessing and asking for forgiveness.

16) Elisha knew that the man would have to pay for the axhead that he lost since it wasn’t his, so he took compassion on the man and retrieve it for him.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 9, Day 5: 2 Kings 5:1-6:7

My favorite part was the captive girl. I’m unsure if I would have done the same due to my anger at being a slave. Here, God uses a girl’s tragedy to convert her enemy. Powerful stuff!

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 9, Day 5: 2 Kings 5:1-6:7

Aram or Syria was a bitter enemy of Israel and Judah. (1 Kings 22:35-36).

Note that the title “man of valor” is used with Gideon (Judges 6:12), Jephthah (Judges 11:1), David (1 Samuel 16:18), Jeroboam (1 Kings 11:28), and Eliada (2 Chronicles 17:17). In fact, Naaman is the only Gentile in the Bible referred to with this title.

Leprosy in the ancient world was a death sentence. It also was a cause for ostracism, as people didn’t understand and didn’t want to catch it.

The servant girl cared and had faith. That is all God requires of us, too. God used her to accomplish a greater good.

Many Bible scholars believe this story is out of order since the letter sent by the king of Syria to the king of Israel would likely not have happened during intense hostilities.

Ten talents of gold would be equivalent to $1.2 million today.

Elisha rebukes the king of Israel for having no faith in God or him.

Note Elisha did not see Naaman, only sent him a message. He had the wrong expectations of God, like many of us do.

When Naaman’s servants pointed out that his reasoning was inconsistent about washing in the river and that he was only refusing because it was humbling, Naaman agreed. Only God could heal, especially since Elisha was not there. God gets all the credit here unequivocally.

Naaman was like the leper who came back to thank Jesus after he was healed (Luke 17:12-19).

The taking of the soil with him was common in the ancient world. He also asked to be pardoned when he pretended to worship the gods of Syria, as he would be expected to do as an official.

Gehazi hid the talents because he knew Elisha would not approve. The judgement is more severe for believers who know better. It was his selfish desire to gain from God’s blessings.

2 Kings 6

Elisha’s following had grown so much that he needed a new building.

Iron was precious and uncommon in ancient times. The way Elisha retrieved it left no doubt that God retrieved it.

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