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BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 7, Day 5: Matthew 6:25-34


Do not worry about life, food, your body, and clothes. God takes care of the birds, and you are more valuable to God than them. Will worrying add an hour to your life? (In fact, all it does is take away an hour or more from your life).

Don’t worry about your clothes. The lilies of the field are more splendid than Solomon’s clothes ever were. If God clothes the lilies as such, won’t he clothe you, too?

Do not worry about your basic needs; God knows you need them. If you seek God’s kingdom and righteousness, all things will be given to you. Thus, don’t worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Focus on the day at hand.

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 7, Day 5: Matthew 6:25-34

13) Do not worry about life, food, your body, and clothes.

14a) God takes care of the birds’ needs and He clothes the lilies of the field.

b) Money and paying the bills.

15) If you seek God’s kingdom and righteousness, all things will be given to you.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 7, Day 5: Matthew 6:25-34

Most of us know a worrier (or, that person may be you). God says to trust Him that He’s got it. If you think about all of the time you worry about “what ifs” (most of which never come true), that could be time you spent instead drawing nearer to God. We all have limited hours and days given to us: how are you spending yours?

For your kids:

For you:

End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 7, Day 5: Matthew 6:25-34

Life is more about your physical needs. Your spiritual needs should take precedence.

You have to work to eat so this passage is not saying sit around and hope God will feed you. Stress can kill you, so there is no point to worry. It’s about working and allowing God to do the rest.

You honor God and seek His kingdom when you do the right thing in the world, such as honoring others. We spend most of our time worrying about things we have no control over and that never come to fruition. Give it to God instead.

Live in the present and “worry” about today only.

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