body of christ

Summer Bible Study: Sermon on the Mount: Week 2, Day 2: Matthew 5:17-20


Jesus is still on the mountain, preaching. He says that he has come to fulfill the Law of the Prophets, not to abolish it. The Law will remain until God’s plan is accomplished. Those who preach and follow these commands will be called great in heaven; those who break the command will be called least. Only those righteous will enter the kingdom of heaven.

Questions for Matthew 5:17-20

3) The Law will be fulfilled in him and the Law is perfect. The Old Testament is necessary as it’s the history of God’s people and everything in it points to Christ. The New Testament is the fulfillment of this Law in the person of Jesus.

4) Jesus is the only person to have lived who was free of sin. His sacrifice fulfilled the requirements of the Old Testament for sacrificial blood. Jesus will ultimately fulfill the prophecy of the Bible in his Second Coming. Dear Lord, thank you for your Son who died for all of our sins, so we can live righteously with you. Thank you for the Old Testament and how it points to Jesus. Thank you for your wisdom, so we can live better lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

5) The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law believed that if they went through the motions of the law, they would be forgiven. However, we all fall short and need a Savior, which we know and understand a bit more each and every day.

Conclusions to Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5:17-20

Thank God for his Words to us! There are approximately 613 Old Testament laws.

We are righteous because of our faith in Christ. He alone grants us righteousness, or being able to stand with our Holy God.

We cannot do it/life alone. We need a Savior in order to have any hope at all. Our acts won’t make us holy; only Jesus can. Embrace him today!

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jesus fulfilled old testament law

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 2: Matthew 5:17-20


Jesus is still on the mountain, preaching. He says that he has come to fulfill the Law of the Prophets, not to abolish it. The Law will remain until God’s plan is accomplished. Those who preach and follow these commands will be called great in heaven; those who break the command will be called least. Only those righteous will enter the kingdom of heaven.

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 2: Matthew 5:17-20

3a) The Old Testament is still relevant, and its laws need to be followed.

b) Jesus echoes my belief. I’ve never disregarded the Old Testament. As long as you keep in mind that Jesus is greater, you’re good.

4a) Hebrews 4:15 tells us that Jesus was tempted as we are but remained perfect. Jesus’ example is to stay true to God’s word

b) Jesus’s death and sacrifice on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice to cleanse us from our sins. In the Old Testament times, God’s people sacrificied animals for their cleansing blood. Here, Jesus finished it once and for all.

c) Jesus preached how he fulfilled all of the prophecies in the Old Testament — how his life, death, and resurrection were all God’s work.

5) The Pharisees and the teachers of the law believed they were better than others when they upheld the law. It was not a heart change for them. To be right with God, you must follow His will and ways whole-heartedly, and not just go through the motions.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 2: Matthew 5:17-20

Although the Bible does not record Jesus’s every word, we can probably imagine that these 4 verses were repeated a lot. Jesus coming to be the Messiah and fulfill the Law was the crux of what God’s people needed to believe. One of Jesus’s goals was to proving this to the people. One can imagine that the people asked Jesus how he fulfilled the law repeatedly. Great summary here of what Jesus probably repeated a lot.

One of my favorite songs and what God wants from us.

End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 6, Day 2: Matthew 5:17-20

Jesus did not oppose God’s law, but instead came to fulfill it. The phrase “the Law and the Prophets” was used repeatedly in the Old Testament as a way to refer to God’s law.  (Matthew 7:1211:1322:40Luke 16:16John 1:45Acts 13:1528:23Romans 3:21); (Luke 24:44); or (Matthew 5:18John 10:3412:3415:251 Corinthians 14:21).

“For assuredly” or “I tell you the truth” are signature phrases of Jesus that no other prophet used. It means “truly” or “amen.”

Jesus came to fulfill the law, not contradict it. He did so perfectly. He completed the law and never contradicted it.

The words and the letters of these words are important (other translations use “jot” and “little”, which are marks in the Hebrew language). Everything God says is important.

The Old Testament shows us we cannot please God without Jesus. We are to obey the commands of the Old Testament, but not in a legalistic mindset like the Pharisees had. Righteousness is only through Christ Galatians 2:21For if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.

The law teaches us God’s heart; Jesus shows us and gives us God’s heart.

The Pharisees took everything to the extreme, even tithing herbs (Matthew 23:23). Paul is a good example of the rigidity of the Pharisees before his conversion. Acts 23:626:5Philippians 3:5.  Philippians 3:6-9: explains the righteousness of Christ versus the Pharisees. Righteousness is from faith in Christ.

Fun Fact: There are 613 stipulations in God’s law.

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