wordgo study of wisdom www.atozmomm.com

Summer Bible Study: WordGo’s Study of Wisdom: Week 1, Day 5: 1 Kings 3:28 with 4:29-34

Summary of 1 Kings 3:28

All knew God had given wisdom to Solomon with this verdict.

Summary of 1 Kings 4:29-34

God gave Solomon wisdom greater than everyone, and his fame spread. He spoke 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs. He spoke about the plants and animals. All nations came to Solomon to hear his wisdom.

Questions for 1 Kings 3:28 with 4:29-34

12) All nations came to hear his wisdom no matter their religion. This shows just how big of an influence he had on the world.

13) The world applauds fame, fortune, sports heros, and celebrities. They don’t applaud wise rulers full of the Lord. This is due to the fact the world has fallen away from God and due to modern technology and the 24-hour news reel.

14) To thank God continually for the knowledge He has given me (unsure if you’d call it wisdom. I don’t feel wise).

Conclusions to Wordgo Study of Wisdom 1 Kings 3:28 with 4:29-34

God calls us to where we need to be to glorify Him. You may not be feeling this way at all and may be disliking where you are at in this moment. Remember to pray, and wait on the Lord. He is faithful, and He does put you where you belong.

Contact me with questions today!

wordgo study of wisdom www.atozmomm.com

Summer Bible Study: WordGo’s Study of Wisdom: Week 1, Day 4: 1 Kings 3:16-27

Summary of 1 Kings 3:16-27

Two prostitutes came to Solomon, asking him to make a ruling. Each woman claimed that the baby was theirs. Solomon ordered the baby cut in half and half given to each. The real mother said to give the baby to the other woman. The other woman said to kill the child. Obviously, the first woman was the real mother.

Questions for 1 Kings 3:16-27

9) We see a struggle for survival. Poverty. Struggle to have a baby. Quarrels and arguments. The need for a mediator (ultimately, Jesus Christ).

10) My next decision in my life.

11) God is the ultimate source to learn about wisdom, His Word, and the Holy Spirit. Wise leaders are next. Wise leaders from the past. James 3:13-18 says to let your good deeds show your wisdom. Heaven’s wisdom is pure, peace-loving and full of mercy and good fruit.

Conclusions to Wordgo Study of Wisdom 1 Kings 3:16-27

God gives wisdom to those who ask. Ask God for help in your struggles, work, and relationships. Pray for wisdom every day. Keep the lines of communication open with God always.

Contact me with questions today!

wordgo study of wisdom www.atozmomm.com

Summer Bible Study: WordGo’s Study of Wisdom: Week 1, Day 1: 1 Kings 3

Summary of 1 Kings 3

Solomon made an alliance with the king of Egypt and married his daughter. Solomon walked in the ways of the Lord, showing his love for God. God rewarded Solomon by telling him to ask for whatever he wants. Solomon asks for discernment. God grants this unselfish request, saying there will never be anyone as wise. God gives Solomon what he did not ask for, too, which is wealth and honor. God will give him a long life if he follows Him. Solomon returned to Jerusalem and offered sacrifices.

Two prostitutes came to Solomon, asking him to make a ruling. Each woman claimed that the baby was theirs. Solomon ordered the baby cut in half and half given to each. The real mother said to give the baby to the other woman. The other woman said to kill the child. Obviously, the first woman was the real mother.

Questions for 1 Kings 3

1 ) A discerning heart to rule his people

2 ) I need strength mainly to keep going.

Conclusions to Wordgo Study of Wisdom 1 Kings 3

I love the fact that the Scripture verse is in the app, so I don’t have to look it up. Trusting in God’s promises reveals life’s purposes.

It’s fitting we begin our study of wisdom with the study of Solomon, the wisest man to have lived.

Everyone is leading someone, and God has a plan for your life. What God calls you to do will bring you joy. God’s purpose for our lives exceeds any greatness we can imagine.

These words speak to me right now in my life as I’m about to make a life-changing decision. I’m trusting in the Lord that this is right for me. Contact me today!