jesus makes a fig tree wither matthew 21:18-22

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 22, Day 2: Matthew 21:18-22


Jesus is on his way back to Jerusalem. He was hungry and hoped to find fruit on a fig tree. When he found none, he told the fig tree to never bear fruit again, so it withered. The disciples were stumped (no pun intended), so Jesus explained what had happened. Jesus told them if they have faith and do not doubt, mountains will throw themselves into the sea on command, too. If you believe, you’ll receive whatever you ask for in prayer.

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 22, Day 2: Matthew 21:18-22

3) Jesus was hungry, but when he found no fruit to eat, he told the fig tree to never bear fruit again, so it withered.

4a) The fig tree was supposed to have fruit for it had leaves. The fig tree reprenents those who are all show, but no actions.

b) They do not believe so they don’t bear fruit. They were all show with no real faith at all.

5a) Jesus told them if they have faith and do not doubt, mountains will throw themselves into the sea on command, too. If you believe, you’ll receive whatever you ask for in prayer. He encouraged them to ask and it will be given and they will bear fruit because of it. The miracle was an act of prayer with faith. He encourage his disciples to have this kind of faith, trusting that God will answer.

b) It both challenges me to have faith and helps me to ask for things in prayer and have faith, too.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 22, Day 2: Matthew 21:18-22

This is an often-forgotten story of Jesus hidden in this chapter that serves to remind us to have faith in God to answer our prayers.

Great for strengthening your prayer life!

End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 22, Day 2: Matthew 21:18-22

This is one of two destructive miracles of Jesus. We read about the first one when Jesus cast out demons into pigs Matthew 8:30-32

Note Jesus does not harm humans.

The fig tree represents those in Israel who do not accept him. Outwardly, they look like they are followers of God. Inwardly, they are not and thus they bear no fruit. Jesus knows their hearts.

Here, he judges the tree, as he will you and me. Those who fail can expect death.

Take away: Pray with faith to receive.

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