BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 2, Day 4: 1 Kings 12:25-14:20

SUMMARY 1 KINGS 12:25-14:20

Jeroboam made Shechem his capital. Then, he made two golden calves for the people to worship, fearing that if the Israelites went to Jerusalem (in King Rehoboam’s territory to worship God they would rebel against him). He built more shrines to foreign gods and appointed priests not from the tribe of Levi. He made sacrifices to foreign gods.

1 Kings 13

A man of God came to Bethel and prophesied that a son names Josiah would be born to the house of David. He would sacrifice the bad priests who sacrificed to false gods. The altar would be split apart, too. King Jeroboam went to seize the man, but his hand shriveled up and the altar was broken. He begged the man to pray to restore his hand, and it was done by God. He rejected the king’s offer to eat with him.

The man of God was tricked into disobeying the Lord and was killed because of it. Through it all, King Jeroboam did not change his ways, but still appointed priests for high places to worship false gods. This sin led to the downfall of the house of Jeroboam.

1 Kings 14:1-20

Jeroboam’s son became ill, so he sent his wife disguised to the house of Ahijah the prophet for advice. He tells the wife that King Jeroboam has disobeyed all of God’s commands and done evil in God’s eyes. The consequences include: the son will die, as will all the males in the house. Dogs will eat people, as will the birds.

God will raise for himself a king of Israel. He will scatter Israel. Jeroboam’s son, Nadab, succeeded him.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 2, Day 2: 1 Kings 12:25-14-20

8a) King Jeroboam feared that if the Israelites went to Jerusalem in King Rehoboam’s territory to worship God, they would rebel against him.

b) I don’t have a lot of fears to be honest. My biggest one is my job. I cling to it even though I’d like to pursue something else out of fear of losing money.

c) God gives us power according to 2 Timothy 1:7 and there is no fear in God’s love according to 1 John 4:18. This encourages me that I can do all things through God who strengthens me and provides me with courage and power.

9) King Jeroboam built more shrines to foreign gods and appointed priests not from the tribe of Levi. He made sacrifices to foreign gods. He tried to kill those who spoke against him.

10a) A man of God came to Bethel and prophesied that a son names Josiah would be born to the house of David. He would sacrifice the bad priests who sacrificed to false gods. The altar would be split apart, too. King Jeroboam went to seize the man, but his hand shriveled up and the altar was broken. He begged the man to pray to restore his hand, and it was done by God. He rejected the king’s offer to eat with him. In 1 Kings 14, it was Jeroboam’s wife who received the prophecy of having his son and all the males in his home die, as well as having the dogs and birds eat people.

b) He continues to do what he wants to do to save his own skin, not relying on God to defend him. Yet, God allows him to still reign. God, in His mercy, gave Jeroboam signs to confirm the prophet’s words. And, God healed Jeroboam’s hand when Jeroboam was not really repentent.

11) He never gives up even when I don’t really want to hear from Him. His calls are never easy.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 2, Day 2: 1 Kings 12:25-14-20

I love history, so this is super interesting to me. It’s easy to judge Jeroboam for turning from God on a consistent basis, but how many of us do that? We can see that he’s a dumbo, but when are we dumbos, too?

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 2, Day 2: 1 Kings 12:25-14-20

Jeroboam made “worshipping God” convenient for his people, so they went along to these fake altars.

Fun Fact:  Jeroboam repeated the same words of Aaron from 500 years ago (Exodus 32:4) when he presented them with the golden calves. He may have intended the golden calves to represent God. Either way, God was angry.

We’ll see the prophecy of Josiah fulfilled in 2 Kings 23:15.

God, in His mercy, gave Jeroboam signs to confirm the prophet’s words.

The second prophet who lied to the first may have been prompted by Satan. Satan and his messengers can appear as angels of light (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).

The first prophet should have said no; instead, he paid the ultimate consequence with his life.

Note how God tends to judge his own people more harshly than unbelievers since He expects more from us.  (1 Peter 4:17).

Jeroboam never repents in his lifetime. Instead, he would go down in history as completely disobedient to God. His sins caused a curse upon the people of the Northern Kingdom, and they would remember this (2 Kings 17:21-23).

You would think Jeroboam would pray for his son, rather than play tricks.

God’s judgement is harsh. Note there is an immediate judgement (death of his son), and a judgement in the future (the people of Isreal would be scattered).

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