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BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 5: Genesis 12:10-20

Summary of Genesis 12:10-20:

Abram traveled to Egypt because there was a famine in the land. He pretended Sarai was his sister so that he would be treated well and his life would be spared (selfish). Pharaoh took Sarai for his wife, not knowing she was married. Abram prospered while in Egypt. Then God struck Pharaoh and his household with disease because of this. Pharaoh sent Sarai away and told Abram to leave when he found out the truth.

BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 5: Genesis 12:10-20

11a) They went to Egypt because of a famine. Abram pretended Sarai was his sister so that he would be treated well and his life would be spared.

b) That God will protect you and will make His plans for your life happen.

12) Personal Question. My answer: God wanted Abram out of Egypt so He made Pharaoh kick them out. God’s will is done despite our decisions. God will protect you when you follow Him.

13) Personal Question. My answer: Just try to persevere through it in a Godly manner (not take your stress out on your family or others) is all you can do.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 5: Genesis 12:10-20

Abram obviously is selfish and has no integrity. If they knew Egypt was like this, why go in the first place? If they had faith in God’s plan for them, He would protect them. Pharaoh should have killed Abram for what he did.

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End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 5: Genesis 12:10-20

Abram thought he knew better than God to move when God did not tell him to do so. As a result, he compromises his integrity, defiles his wife, and almost dies anyway. While in Egypt, they acquire Hagar who will be trouble all her own later on.

While Sarai was Abram’s half-sister (Genesis 20:12), Abram lied and he justified it to himself. How often do we do this?

Unsure how many women today would agree to become the wife of another.

Knowing Sarai was where the line of the Messiah would come from, unsure how much God appreciated Abram at this moment.

Still, God is faithful. He protected Abram and Sarai and used the Egyptian Pharaoh to move them again. God knows what He is doing even when we obviously do not.

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BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 4: Genesis 12:4-9

Summary of Genesis 12:4-9:

Abram left Haran at age 75 with Lot, his wife, and all the people and possessions they had acquired in Haran. God appeared to Abram when he reached Shechem, telling him he will give his offspring this land. Abram built an offering to God here. He built another altar to God at Bethel. Then he continued towards the Negev.

BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 4: Genesis 12:4-9

9) Abram obeyed, but brought along others and his possessions, which God did not say to do. Still, by faith (being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see) Abram obeyed and was blessed (just being chosen was the best blessing ever).

10a) He obeyed God. He left everything he ever knew and some of his family for a land of unknowns and living in tents. He had kids out of faith. All with no idea how to do this except through God.

b) Personal Question. My answer: Unsure if I’m waiting on anything specific for God to fulfill. I just know He shows up and guides me. I pray and take action when prompted.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 4: Genesis 12:4-9

Taking the small steps is what leads to great things.

End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 4: Genesis 12:4-9

Most of us know Lot’s tale (which is coming up in Genesis 13-14). Abram probably regretting bringing him along in disobedience to God’s exact instructions.

Canaan was not the best place either. It was full of sin. He stopped first at a tree. Shechem means “shoulder,” and is roughly in the middle of Canaan. Most names of places are named after a landmark, which is what Bible scholars believe here. We will see Shechem a lot when we get to Jacob.

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What Happens in Shechem?

  • Jacob comes here (Genesis 33:18) and buys land from a man names Hamor for 100 pieces of silver (Genesis 33:19).
  • Jacob builds an altar to the Lord (Genesis 33:20). known as Jacob’s well.
  • Jacob’s daughter, Dinah was raped and in retaliation, the sons of Jacob massacred the men (Genesis 34).
  • Jacob gave this land to Joseph (Genesis 48:22).
  • Jospeh was buried here. (Joshua 24:32).
  • Joshua said his famous words as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24) and made a covenent with Israel
  • \Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4 (John 4:5-6).

Since God had commanded all the people to spread out and He did so after the Tower of Babel, people lived in Canaan. Like most of us, we’re not going to voluntarily moved. It would take 400 years for God’s promise of this land to come true.

Calling of Abram

God told Abram again of His promises, backing it up with the land itself. Remember Abram bought his burial plot here. Genesis 23:14-20

Note Abram built an altar, which served as a meeting place between God and Abram before churches. From the beginning of time, we see how important it is to have your own place to meet with God and Jesus and remember their blessings in your life. Hebrews 13:15   (Hebrews 13:10)

Abram lived in a tent. Culture tells us to strive for material goods when our homes are in heaven. Strive to live here just good enough to live well in heaven. Hebrews 11:16

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BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 3: Genesis 12:1-3

Summary of Genesis 12:1-3:

The Lord called Abram to leave his country and his people to journey to a new land with this promise:

“I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you.

BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 3: Genesis 12:1-3

6a) The Lord called Abram to leave his country and his people to journey to a new land with this promise:

“I will make you into a great nation,
    and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
    and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you,
    and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
    will be blessed through you.

b) God appeared to Abram while he was still in Mesopotamia before he lived in Haran and called him. This shows that Abram only made it half-way, and he took his father as well.

7) Isaiah 41:8-10 says we are chosen by God, He is with us, He will strengthen us. Matthew 4:18-22 says Jesus calls Peter and Andrew and he will make them fishers of men. Matthew 19:28-30 says that at the Second Coming those who followed him will also sit on 12 thrones, judging the 12 tribes. Anyone who has left houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, or chidlren for his way will receive 100 times as much and will inherit eternal life. Mark 8:34-36 says you must deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Jesus and you will gain eternal life. John 14:15-20 says if you obey Jesus’ commands, you will receive the Holy Spirit to guide and protect you.

8a) Personal Question. My answer: We just moved as well for a better life and pivots in our careers. I plan on many things, including growing closer to God and doing His will in my life.

b) Personal Question. My answer: God’s call never seems to get any easier in life. It’s just a matter of surrender. Knowing that God is behind it all gives me the strength and courage to persevere.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 3: Genesis 12:1-3

To us, this is no big deal; people move all the time. However, in ancient times, it was extremely rare for people to travel more than a mile or so outside of their towns and villages. They relied on their family to help them survive. After all, tilling the land is no easy way to live. Thus, when God called Abram to leave both his family and his land for some distant, unknown place, this was a big deal.

his explains why Abram disobeyed God and took family members and why he made it only half way. Perhaps his father could not travel any more. Like I said yesterday, while this is not full obedience, it is better than none at all.

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End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 3: Genesis 12:1-3

I typed out the verses because they are so famous and they are good to memorize for us. This promise is repeated here from when God first called Abram.

When God says “I will,” it will be done.

We see Abram growing in faith; this is what we should do as well. We will never be perfect. The point is you journey towards God, one step at a time.

Abram was promised a land, a nation, and fame. All of the major religions (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) honor him.

Note God’s promise to bless those who blesses His people, and to curse those who curse them. This promise is made to the Jews who are and always will be God’s chosen people. Gentiles were adopted later. God always protects the Jews as history shows, from the Greeks and the Romans to Hitler’s Germany. The moral of the story is: don’t mess with God’s people. The nation of Israel, as tiny as it is, has all of the power in the world because God will never abandon them.

God also promises to make Abram a blessing. If you are a Christian today, no matter your denomimation, you can thank Abram and God. Galatians 3:8-9). (Revelation 5:9)

God’s plan always prevails; aren’t we glad?

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BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 2: Genesis 11:10-32

Summary of Genesis 11:10-32:

The line of Shem is followed here. The account of Terah from the line of Shem who was Abram’s (later Abraham’s) father. Lot was Abram’s nephew. Abram married Sarai (later Sarah) and she was barren (had no children).

Terah, Abram, Sarai, and Lot left Ur for Canaan but settled in Haran where Terah died.

BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 2: Genesis 11:10-32

3) “he became the father”, “lived and had other sons and daughters.” They went about their lives.

4) Nothing really. These lists are quite boring.

5) Personal Question. My answer: the fact that my ancestors were born, lived, had kids, and died.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 2: Genesis 11:10-32

Admittedly, I got nothing here, so I’m praying you did. When we did Genesis last, BSF skipped verses 11-26 and did not ask about them.

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End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 8, Day 2: Genesis 11:10-32

We see Abraham here for the first time. He is featured more than 312 times in the Bible with 272 verses dedicated to him. Wish that were me. Admittedly, Abraham if the father of nations. It takes a lot to explain that and I’d say that makes him pretty important, indeed. We’ll be studying him and his line for the rest of the year.

Too many of us try to live up to Abraham’s faith. In truth, we do; our stories just aren’t recorded in the Bible. Abraham was called God’s friend (2 Chronicles 20:7); (Isaiah 41:8). James 2:23 ) We can all be God’s friend. We are all great in God’s eyes.

FUN FACT: Sarai Abram’s wife means ” controversial.” Abraham ” means ” Father.”

What we don’t see here is that Abram is called while still in Ur Acts 7:2-4. This is important. Abram leaves Babylon to go to Ur at God’s calling. However, he brings other family members (not God’s calling), and he makes pitstop in Haran (part way there). Terah means “delay” and Haran means “barren,” which was Abram’s life in Haran.

While many fault Abraham for stopping, the important part is that he started. This is all we have to do: start. One step at a time in God’s will.

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BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 7, Day 5: Genesis 11:1-9

Summary of Genesis 11:1-9:

In the beginning, every human spoke the same language. Then, they began to build the Tower of Babel that would reach the heavens and make a name for themselves. The Lord came down to see what they were up to. Instead, the Lord scattered them and confused their languages so they couldn’t come together and do this building again.


13) They were building the tower to make a name for themselves, not make a name for God.

14a) Power, greed, self-worth, acknowledgement, and to be equal with God.

b) Personal Question. My answer: Everywhere.

15) God redirects, like a parent would. He doesn’t destory mankind, but He does what is best for them and that is in this instance to break them up so they would be more likely to rely on Him rather than themselves.

16) Personal Question. My answer: That man would not be about self-aggrandisement, but instead seek God and credit God in all things. God wants us to work together for His glory, not for ours.


God scatters the people for their own good. Our culture always talks about brining everyone together; yet, here we see what happens when we do come together in such a manner. Perhaps God knows what’s good for us after all and maybe separate is not such a bad thing.


God commanded everyone to spread out and populate the land in Genesis 9:1 Instead, they build a city in Shinar (Babylon) in this passage.

Brick making was a common building material in ancient times. Tar was and still is used for waterproofing, such as in Noah’s ark an Moses’ basket (Exodus 2:3). Some scholars believe that the tar indicates the people still thought they would be killed again by another flood. However, this is speculation as tar is a common building product.


Were the People Really Reaching for Heaven?

Bible Scholars believe they were trying to reach the heavens, and most believe this tower was real.

God may have came down to earth as Jesus. The “us” is the Holy Trinity. God scattered the people for our good out of mercy. He could have killed us all again if He had wanted.

I find it interesting that God acknowledges that man can do anythien when they come together. This is powerful for us today. Although we’re divided, it appears God wants it so.

Language is unique to man that it can only be explained as a gift from God. As man scattered, differences in the people slowly developed due to the limited gene pool. Yet, the world is incredibly diverse — just as God wanted it to be.

Man is still man — a sinner at heart. Only a perfect man, Jesus, can save.