Bible and Coffee

BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 30, Day 4: Investing in the Next Generation

BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 30, Day 4: Investing in the Next Generation

8 ) I no longer have kids in the BSF program.

9) NA

10) I did not volunteer.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 30, Day 4: Investing in the Next Generation

Sorry, all. Could not be much help on this one. So, if you did bring your children to BSF this year, could you comment below with your experiences? I’m sure others would appreciate your input and experiences!

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BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 30: Book of Matthew

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 30: Book of Matthew

Day 2

2a) How incredibly blessed we all are by God’s grace and Jesus’s sacrifice for our undeserving souls. It gives me a deeper appreciation for what Jesus did for me on the cross and hopefully I can convey that better both with my actions and with others.

b) Jesus’s grace, his inclusion of all people, including women, his compassion on all people no matter who they were, his desire to always do God’s will no matter where he went.

Day 3

3) There are so many it’s hard to choose. Right now in these uncertain times, we can have faith that God is in control. As the economy changes every day, we can have faith that God will provide. As events happen that we don’t understand, we can have faith that God has a purpose. Jesus prayed in the Garden for strength; so should we during these times. Perseverence, strength, and will to keep moving forward, one day at a time.

Day 4

4) I did not have children in the program

5) The chance to pray for one another.

Day 5

6) Good question. I am unsure. Immediately, it’s to be strong in faith for my family and to remind them of all that Jesus teaches.

Day 6

7a) It’s given me such a deeper understanding of God’s grace and my undeserving nature of Jesus’s sacrifice.

b) I know that God’s plans are not my plans, so I pray for His will to be done. I know that I am here for a reason, so I try to remember that each and every day.

8a) Grace

b) Dear Lord. I thank you for the blessings you have given me, for the life I lead, for my incredible family and their health and happiness, and for your will to be done in my life. I take each day as a blessing and try to do your work. I pray others see you through me, and I pray you continue to guide me in this life. In Jesus’s name, Amen.


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BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 30

BSF Study Questions Lesson 30: Book of Genesis

Well, we made it. I usually just do one post for Lesson 30 since they are all personal questions. Plus, since I just lost my cat, I’m having a really hard time doing anything right now.

Day 1:

For me, I was impacted by how God can do anything he wants, from choosing who he wants to his punishments and consequences of sin. Unsure of his will for me. I just keep plugging along, hoping it is God’s will.

Day 2:

I always have loved Joseph. He faced so many challenges and struggles in his life, yet God had a plan to save the world (and us) through him. It’s one of the most hopeful stories in the Bible. If you can believe that God has a plan for your life and everything works together for your good, then life will be infintely easier.

Day 3:

I hate these questions. I don’t know. I always hope I’m a better person, but it’s truly hard to see that in my life.

Day 4:

Same as Day 3. I’m truly uncertain.

Day 5:

Keep on shining God’s light as best as I can as a flawed human. That’s all I can do.

Day 6:

Trust God.

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BSF Study Questions Genesis Lesson 30, Day 4: Genesis 49:22-27

Summary of passage:  Joseph is a fruitful vine that overflows.  Enemies attack but Joseph remains steady because of God who blesses him.  His blessings rest on him, the “prince among his brothers”.

Benjamin devours and plunders.


10)  Joseph is a fruitful vine:  Joseph prospered in Potiphar’s house (Genesis 39:2). Joseph prospers in jail (Genesis 39:21).  God elevates Joseph to second in command in Egypt (Genesis 41:41).

Archers attack him:  His brothers sold him into slavery (Genesis 37).  Potiphar’s wife falsely accuses Joseph (Genesis 39:14).

He remains steady because God helps him:  He is falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife but God is with him (Genesis 39:21, 23).

11)  The Lord blesses his land with dew from heaven, the deep waters, and the sun and the moon, the choicest gifts of the mountains, the fruitfulness of the hills, the best gifts of earth and God’s favor.  He will gore the nations.

12)  God shields Benjamin all day and God loves him and can rest secure in Him.

Conclusions:  Will echo yesterday’s sentiments:  didn’t like this lesson either.  I’ll leave it at that.

End Notes:  The idea of verses 24-25 is that God’s hands are on Joseph’s hands, helping him to hold his bow steady and defeat his enemies.  Just as God’s hands are on our hands as well.  Even when we don’t know it.

The tribe of Benjamin was known for its fierceness (devours and plunders).  See Judges 19 & 20.